Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tales from the Freak Show: Vol. 2 - Doughnut Challenge

Everybody loves a doughnut, right? We had some real mayhem in the Half-Dozen Challenge... but it didn't even start there. You see, before the Big Six squared off at the feeding tables, we had a preliminary match up to fill in an empty spot. It turns out Sweet Grimace Slim, the slick talking manager of Ronald McFondle was a diabetic and was ordered not to compete by his physician. He wanted to risk it all though, but in the end I advised him not to.

Thus the preliminary match up saw many familiar faces compete for the open spot in the invitational. Amongst the hopefuls were local rapper M Sea, Seattle Hip-Hop Super fan Charles, Doug from Wake Up and Smell the Hip-Hop fame and a buddy of mine, a 6'6" ringer named Sam. The goal was for the competitors to eat 6 mini donettes the fastest. The problem was they were powdered doughnuts and the competitors were not allowed any beverage. This slowed them down tremendously.

I couldn't believe how slow they were going, then I popped three of the tiny doughnuts in my mouth and it dried up like a desert. Saliva simply can't penetrate the powder. I spit out about a doughnut's worth of chew and was able to get the rest down. Still, the combatants fought it out. My buddy, Sam, ended up getting the six down first... winning the chance to eat six more doughnuts!

After about 20 minutes of rest, he was back at the tables, neck and neck with Seattle rapper Wizdom, DJ Nphared, rock fan and columnist "Downtown" Matt Brown, SSP Superstar Ronald McFondle and Pearl Dragon from Champagne Champagne. It was a gnarly, yet colorful group of competitors. Matt Brown psyched the crowd out by devouring a Dick's cheeseburger before the contest. Every one squared up ready to consume calories.

Then they were off. It was a complete frenzy. Water was being thrown. Doughnuts were being smashed, soaked and even chopped up into fine lines and snorted by Ronald McFondle. Completely ridiculous and ultimately hilarious. A truly entertaining site. However, it was a race to finish the half dozen and snorting didn't seem effective enough. There would be no second place, the first to finish his six doughnuts would be the winner.

DJ Nphared seemed to be close, but it wasn't quite his match. You see, I brought in some of Capitol Hill's premiere mouthpieces to help me judge the event... Deevious Silvertounge and Evil Kimmel from Seattle Semi-Pro. They weren't familiar enough with the rules of competitive eating and awarded the match to Pearl Dragon when he had chipmunk'd his 6 doughnuts (chipmunking in competitive eating is stuffing the food in your mouth, so that it fills your cheeks like a chipmunk stuffing nuts). It's a valid technique in some forms of the sport, but I was looking for a clear finish.

Amidst the ruckus, like George W. Bush's premature Presidential victory call of Florida in 2000, Pearl was declared the winner. This caused the other competitors to cease combat and basically give it up to the Pearl Dragon as he finished the doughnuts in his mouth. Regardless of how he won, he was the victor in the Half-Dozen Challenge. I really think had the match not been called by the other judges, we may have seen two of the other five competitors leave the winner, but that just wasn't in the cards.

Then after some quick words exchanged between Pearl and myself, we deemed it prudent to have a head to head match up in the future... and me being the professional I am, I offered him the choice of food. He chose TACOS! If you know any good Mexican restaurants in the area that may want to sponsor a competition between two local celebs such as Pearl and myself, let me know. This encounter will be epic!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tales from the Freak Show: Vol. 1 - Seattle Semi-Pro

So, last Thursday I had my record release party. The CD itself, Billy the Fridge's Million Dollar Fantasy Freak Show is a collection of songs I have done over the past few years as I molded myself into the person I am today. As outlandish or ridiculous as some of the concepts or ideas in the songs are, they are truly a real part of myself. I wanted that to reflect in the show itself.

About three months ago I contacted the guys at Seattle Semi-Pro about working my party with their Professional Wrestling inspired Cabaret Stage Show. As some may know, I used to be a wrestler, traveling from Canada, to the Mid-west and as far as the East Coast dozens of times, just to get some in ring action. It's always been a passion of mine and I knew I needed Seattle's tribute to the pastime on my show. Once they were on, I knew I needed it to be at King Cobra, their home venue at the time.

This turned out to be bittersweet on both accounts. Not only could this be one of Seattle Semi-Pro's last matches due to legal troubles, my Freak Show would turn out to be the second to last show ever held at King Cobra. It was an emotional send off for everybody in the room that night... for many different reasons. The SSP guys brought a completely different dynamic to my little hip-hop show... err... my Freak Show, I should say. I knew from the beginning that I wanted this night to be completely different and I think it delivered.

The four combatants in the match up turned out to be Ronald McFondle (resident molester and Capitol Hill fan favorite), Mr. Fitness (a bastion of health and obvious enemy of the fat boy lifestyle I live), Mascara Generico (a lucha libre implant from south of the border, usually one count short of a pin fall) and Kung Fu Banana (he's a banana that has mastered the art of Kung Fu, duh!). The match up was set to be a four man elimination, which would see the match continue until only one man was left unpinned.

It started out with Mascara Generico jumping from the 15 foot balcony to the stage below, crushing his opponents. Then the battle turned into a massive brawl with many double team maneuvers and reversals. It seemed with so many men on stage, it would be hard to get a decisive advantage. Then was an unfortunate turn of events for Ronald McFondle. He had competed earlier that night in a donut eating contest and had to walk out of the match due to an upset stomach. This left the other three men on their own. The crowd was hot and behind the Banana 100%, when his fruit bearing lady friend came out from the curtain to cheer him on too.

There was an unfortunate truth though. Mr. Fitness and Mascara Generico, each title holding champions in Seattle Semi-Pro, were just too much for the Banana to handle. He would suffer the first pin fall of the night, leaving Generico and Fitness in a head to head battle. At this point, the crowd began to favor Generico, with the exception of SSP announcer Evil Kimmel and Nite Owls own Gatsby (also of Cancer Rising fame). It must have been their night, because despite a strong showing from Mascara Generico, he fell victim to Mr. Fitness. I thought my night was ruined, watching the health maniac triumph amidst a celebration of lust and donuts, it just didn't seem right.

Then my hero, the Fast Food Franchise, Ronald McFondle appeared from behind the curtain, yet to have been pinned and spewed donut barf all over Mr. Fitness. This allowed Ronnie Mac the leverage he needed to apply his devastating signature maneuver and claim victory for the night. All is well in the land of debauchery, and just to signify his superiority, McFondle put Fitness face down, ass up and applied the Shocker, oh what a night! The wrestlers came ridiculously close to the turntables and even knocked over one of the stage monitors in their high impact action, but the crowd ate it all up.

In addition, Deevious Silvertonge, former Seattle Semi-Pro champion and Evil Kimmel, the outspoken jerk, that always seems to get the last word, both helped me co-host the events. They, as well as the boys that fought it out for all to see, really brought a fun and unique aspect to Billy the Fridge's Million Dollar Fantasy Freak Show. It was a perfect addition to a night filled with over-the-top excitement. SSP will never die, we will miss you King Cobra!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Billy the Fridge's Million Dollar Fantasy Freak Show - 02.26.09


* The Nite Owls
* Grynch
* Superstars of SSP
* Lusty Lady Dance Off
* Donut Eating Challenge

at King Cobra

Live performances by Billy the Fridge, The Nite Owls and Grynch. Appearances by Ronald McFondle, Deevious Silvertounge and other SSP Superstars as well as a Lusty Lady Dance off and the 2009 Donut Eating Invitational. Comedy, Live Music and more!

Everybody come check out the "Don't Miss" night of debauchery!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Billy the Fridge's "A New Hope" Star Wars Music Video

This was spliced together one night out of boredom and nerdyness. The video is only a couple minutes, so even if you're not a Skywalker fan, put yourself through the pain of watching it.

Billy's Championship Performance

July 26th, 2008 - Billy the Fridge became the Top Pot Doughnut Eating Champion of 2008. Amidst a stellar performance from The Saturday Knights, Billy devoured 11 doughnuts in five minutes and was declared the winner by former Almost Live alumni, Nancy Guppy. Here is a review of the mayhem as well as two videos from the event.

Sound on the Sound Recap

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Live Performance from The Corner 5: 8.29.08

This was my first live performance set, back in August of '08. Candidt put me on The Corner 5 not knowing what to expect. I was rough around the edges, but it was totally tube worthy. Check all 5 parts out, separated by song title.

Again, the theme of the night was shit on Ripynt... but I assure you, no Everett Rappers were harmed in the making of these videos (maybe a little ego bruising).